Monday 4 March  |  1.30pm - 2.30pm | In person
X006, Confetti London

Speed Networking


Expand your creative network by meeting professionals from various sectors and industries.


With one-minute mini-meetings, you’ll have the opportunity to talk about your career background and aspirations and listen from Resonate Agency Executive Producer Hamza Oomerjee, Crowd DNA content and media agency professional Andy Crysell, former Head of Content at Spotify Vino Vethavanam, and Dale Davis – Musical Director for Amy Winehouse.

Also joining the panel will be:

  • Parissa Eliyson (Nottingham Event Management Lecturer) an artist, entrepreneur and founder of Acoustickle.
  • Brad Foster an Events Coordinator at sugar studios / freelance DJ and Producer
  • Jen Russell Director and Editor of Content Creation

Make sure you attend the panel talk before this at 11am – hosted by BBC Radio Presenter & DJ, Trevor Nelson.

Important: Sign-ups are only valid with your Confetti or NTU student email address.

This session will take place in X006, Confetti London.