Where does my industry week session take place?
Most Industry week sessions this year will be taking place in Metronome (the Venue, Performance 2, and Confetti X.
Check the event page or your booking confirmation for the location of your session.
Not sure where a room is? Check out our campus map on MazeMap.
Confetti London sessions on will be taking place in The Social Space, Metronome and a few of the studios.
Do I need to book events that are compulsory to my group?
Not always. If your group is listed as compulsory on the event, the majority of time you don’t need to book a ticket.
Please make sure you check your compulsory event listings, as some events are only compulsory for certain groups, or years of study, and some may require sign-up!
I’ve booked a ticket, what next?
After you’ve booked a ticket through Eventbrite, you’ll receive an email confirmation.
If you have booked an in person ticket, then you will need to make your way to the venue on the day of the event.
If you have booked an online ticket, then you will receive a link to access the talk 48 hours before the event is due to start. Make sure you keep checking your student email address.
I’m a student at Confetti, are there compulsory talks?
Yes, there are compulsory groups. If you’re not sure about your compulsory events, please talk to your tutor.
Some compulsory events will be online, and some will be in person – make sure you check with your tutor how you need to attend.
Aside from these, make sure you fill your boots! We have guests from across the globe this year – some of the biggest names in industry – so make sure you don’t miss out.
What platform are you using to broadcast the talks?
Most of our talks will be broadcast live via Microsoft Teams.
Can I invite a friend to a live talk who isn’t studying at Confetti?
Unless the talk is advertised as being open to the general public, only Confetti staff and students (or our partners, where applicable) will be able to access a talk.
Our guests are giving up their time to share their insights and expertise to help our students, so it’s important that you don’t share an event link.
I don’t study at Confetti but I’d really like to watch a talk – is that possible?
Some of our talks will be available either to watch live or OnDemand. We’ll make it clear which talks those are. If you’re from one of our partners, we’ll be in touch with more information.
What’s the format of the events?
The majority of the events will be talks and interviews, with a chance for you to ask questions – make sure you do your research!
We also have some games, challenges and workshops – check out the event details on the What’s On pages.
Can I record any of the events?
No. Anyone watching a live broadcast are politely asked not to record any footage for personal use or to share.
We have some amazing industry guests come to visit us every year, and that’s thanks to our relationship with them. We have worked hard to secure these experts for our students.